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British Armed Forces & National Service

The Royal Navy and National Service.


This is where you can find all about National Service particularly with reference to the Royal Navy.

Very few men did their National Service in the Royal Navy as it was quickly realised that they needed more long term service, it was phased out earlier than the other services.

In 1960 it had 500 NS men out of 98,000 total strength.

Mike Crowe writes:

I was called up and went straight to H.M.S.Collingwood the Royal Navy Radio, Radar and Electrical School at Fareham just outside Portsmouth on January 27th 1958!!! along with another couple of dozen National Servicemen. 6 weeks later another couple of dozen were called up as well

There were all Electrical Ratings and I guess that the other branches were also taking men in.

We were mixed in with Regulars and had the same treatment, pleasures and privileges, except two. They were given a made to measure uniform of fine cloth for Number 1 uniform and they were given nice fluffy Bath Towels :-) We had to buy ours from 'slops' for 10/-.


You can also read soldiers/sailors/airmans memoirs and stories of their time in National Service whatever their unit or rank.


Some useful Navy Links:

HMS Hood Association (Official website)

Ships Badges of the Royal Navy
















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