Gallery No 47 - Register and Alphabetic Index of the
Regiments and Corps of the


Adjutant General's Corps ---------------------------------------------------1992-present
The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (Princess Louise's)------------------- [91st, 93rd] 1881-2006
Army Air Corps -------------------------------------------------------------1942-1949
Army Air Corps------------------------------------------------------------- 1957-present
Army Apprentices College, Arborfield--------------------------------------- [REME]
Army Apprentices College, Chepstow ---------------------------------------[RE] 1924-1994
Army Apprentices College, Harrogate ---------------------------------------[RSigs]
Army Cadet Force ----------------------------------------------------------1942-present
Army Catering Corps --------------------------------------------------------1941-1993
Army Chaplains' Department -------------------------------------------------1796-1919
Army Commandos -----------------------------------------------------------1940-1946
Army Cyclist Corps ----------------------------------------------------------1914-1919
Army Dental Corps ----------------------------------------------------------1921-1946
Army Educational Corps -----------------------------------------------------1920-1946
Army Hospital Conveyance Corps -------------------------------------------1854-1855
Army Hospital Corps ---------------------------------------------------------1855-1884
Army Legal Corps -----------------------------------------------------------1978-1992
Army Medical Staff Corps ---------------------------------------------------1884-1898
Army Nursing Service -------------------------------------------------------1881-1902
Army Pay Department -------------------------------------------------------1878-1920
Army Pay Corps -------------------------------------------------------------1893-1920
Army Physical Training Corps ------------------------------------------------1860-present
Army Postal Corps -----------------------------------------------------------1882-1889
Army School of Education
Army Service Corps ----------------------------------------------------------1869-1918
Army Works Corps -----------------------------------------------------------1855-1856?
The Artists' Rifles --------------------------------------------------------------1860-present
Atholl Highlanders -------------------------------------------------------------1839-present
Auxiliary Territorial Service ----------------------------------------------------1938-1949
The Ayrshire Yeomanry (Earl of Carrick's Own) -------------------------------1794-present
Barrack Department -----------------------------------------------------------1866-1869
The Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment ----------------------------------[16th] 1881-1958
Bedfordshire Yeomanry --------------------------------------------------------1901-1961
Bedfordshire Yeomanry Cavalry 1797-1827
The Berkshire and Westminster Dragoons 1961-1984
The Berkshire Yeomanry (Hungerford) 1794-present
Berwickshire Yeomanry Cavalry 1797-1827
The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) [42nd, 73rd] 1881-2006
The Blues and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons) 1969-1992
The Border Regiment [34th, 55th] 1881-1959
The British West Indies Regiment 1915-1921
Buckinghamshire Yeomanry (Royal Bucks Hussars) 1794-present
The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment) [3rd] 1572-1961
The Cambridgeshire Regiment 1860-1999
Camel Corps 1884-1885
Camel Corps 1917-1919
The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) [26th, 90th] 1881-1968
The Cheshire Regiment [22nd] 1688-2007
The Cheshire Yeomanry (Earl of Chester's) 1797-2007
City Imperial Volunteers
The City of London Yeomanry (Rough Riders) 1900-1961
Clackmannan and Kinross Yeomanry Cavalry 1818
Coldstream Guards 1650-present
see Army Commandos, Royal Marines, Royal Naval Commandos
Commissariat Department
The Connaught Rangers [88th, 94th] 1881-1922
Regiment of Le Comte Conway (Irish Brigade) 1794-1798
Cornwall Yeomanry Cavalry 1794-1838
Corps of Army Schoolmasters 1846-1920
Corps of Military Accountants 1919-1925
Corps of Army Music 1994-present
Corps of Pioneers 1795-1800
The Corps of Riflemen 1800-1802
Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers 1942-present
Corps of Royal Engineers 1716-present
Corps of Royal Military Artificers 1788-1812
Corps of Royal Military Police 1855-1992
Corps of Royal Sappers and Miners 1812-1856
Cumberland Yeomanry Cavalry 1798-1828
Denbighshire Hussars 1795-1999
The Derbyshire Yeomanry 1794-1957
Devon Yeomanry 1920-present
The Devonshire and Dorset Regiment 1958-2006
The Devonshire Regiment [11th] 1685-1958
Regiment of The Hon. Henry Dillon (Irish Brigade) 1794-1798
The Dorset Yeomanry 1794-present
The Dorsetshire Regiment [39th, 54th] 1881-1958
The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry [32nd, 46th] 1881-1959
The Duke of Edinburgh's Royal Regiment (Berkshire and Wiltshire) 1959-1994
The Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry 1798-1992
The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment (King's, Lancashire and Border) 2006-present
The Duke of Wellington's Regiment (West Riding) [33rd, 76th] 1881-2006
Dumbartonshire Yeomanry Cavalry 1803-1828?
Dumfriesshire Yeomanry Cavalry 1798-1828?
The Durham Light Infantry [68th, 106th] 1881-1968
Durham Yeomanry Cavalry [not regimented] 1798-1828?
The East and West Riding Regiment 1999-2006
The East Lancashire Regiment [30th, 59th] 1881-1958
East Lothian Yeomanry Cavalry 1797-1888
The East of England Regiment 1999-2006
The East Riding Yeomanry 1794-1956
East Somerset Yeomanry Cavalry 1794-1828
The East Surrey Regiment [31st, 70th] 1881-1959
The East Yorkshire Regiment (The Duke of York's Own) [15th] 1685-1958
The Essex and Suffolk Cyclist Battalion 1908-1911
The Essex Regiment [44th, 56th] 1881-1958
The Essex Yeomanry 1797-present
Field Telegraph Corps 1882-1889
The Fife and Forfar Yeomanry 1901-1956
The Fife and Forfar Yeomanry/Scottish Horse 1956-present
Fife Yeomanry Cavalry 1797-1838
First Aid Nursing Yeomanry 1907-present
Duke of Fitzjames's Regiment (Irish Brigade) 1794-1797
Flintshire, and Denbighshire Yeomanry 1795-1999
Flintshire Yeomanry Cavalry 1831-1838
Forage Corps 1915-1919?
Forfarshire Yeomanry 1846-1862
Fraser's Highlanders 1757-1783
Fusilier Volunteers 1967-1968
General Service Corps
Glamorgan Yeomanry 1901-present
Glamorgan Yeomanry Cavalry 1797-1831
The Glasgow Highlanders 1868-1973
The Glider Pilot and Parachute Corps 1950-1957
The Glider Pilot Regiment 1941-1957
The Gloucestershire Regiment [28th, 61st] 1881-1994
The Gordon Highlanders [75th, 92nd] 1881-1994
The Green Howards (Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own Yorkshire Regiment) [19th] 1688-2006
Grenadier Guards 1656-present
Guards Machine Gun Regiment 1917-1920
Gurkha Army Service Corps
Gurkha Engineers
Gurkha Independent Parachute Company 1963-1971
Gurkha Military Police
Gurkha Signals
Hampshire Yeomanry (Carabiniers) 1794-present
The Herefordshire Light Infantry 1860-1999
Herefordshire Yeomanry Cavalry 1803-1828?
Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire Yeomanry 1961-present
The Hertfordshire Regiment 1859-1999
Hertfordshire Yeomanry 1870-1961
The Highland Cyclist Battalion 1908-1919
The Highland Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Regiment) [71st, 74th] 1881-1959
The Highland Regiment 1942-1949
The Highlanders (Seaforth, Gordons and Camerons) 1994-2006
Honourable Artillery Company 1537-present
Horse Guards 1661-1788
Horse Grenadier Guards 1661-1788
Household Battalion 1916-1918
Household Cavalry Composite Regiment 1882, 1889,
Household Cavalry Regiment 1939-1945
Household Cavalry Regiment 1992-present
The Huntingdonshire Cyclist Battalion 1914-1919
Huntingdonshire Yeomanry Cavalry 1794-1828?
Imperial Camel Corps 1917-1919
Imperial Yeomanry 1899-1902
The Inns of Court Regiment 1584-1961
The Inns of Court and City Yeomanry 1961-present
Intelligence Corps 1914-present
Irish Brigade 1794-1798
Irish Foot Guards 1662-1689
Irish Guards 1900-present
Jersey Militia 1337-present
Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiation and Nuclear Regiment 2005-present
Joint Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Regiment 1999-2005
Kent and County of London Yeomanry (Sharpshooters) 1961-1973
Kent and Sharpshooters Yeomanry 1973-present
The Kent Cyclist Battalion 1908-1920
Kent Yeomanry 1920-1961
King Edward's Horse (The King's Oversea Dominions Regiment) 1910-1924
The King's American Regiment 1782-1783
The King's and Cheshire Regiment 1999-2006
The King's Colonials 1901-1910
The King's Own Royal Border Regiment 1959-2006
The King's Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster) [4th] 1680-1959
The King's Own Scottish Borderers [25th] 1689-2006
The King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry [51st, 105th] 1881-1968
The King's Own Yorkshire Yeomanry (Light Infantry) 1992-1999
The King's Regiment (Liverpool) [8th] 1685-1958
The King's Regiment 1958-2006
The King's Royal Hussars 1992-present
The King's Royal Rifle Corps [60th] 1755-1966
The King's Shropshire Light Infantry [53rd, 85th] 1881-1968

Kircudbright Yeomanry Cavalry 1803-1836
Labour Corps 1915-1920
Lanarkshire Yeomanry 1819-1956
The Lancashire Fusiliers [20th] 1688-1968
Lancashire Hussars Yeomanry 1848-1969
The Lancashire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Volunteers) 1958-1970
The Lancastrian and Cumbrian Volunteers 1999-2006
Lancastrian Volunteers 1967-1975

Land Transport Corps 1855-1860
Leeds Rifles 1859-present
Legion of Frontiersmen 1904-present
The Leicestershire and Derbyshire (Prince Albert's Own) Yeomanry 1957-present
The Leicestershire Yeomanry (Prince Albert's Own) 1794-1957
The Life Guards 1922-1992
The Light Dragoons 1992-present
The Light Infantry 1968-2007
The Light Infantry and Mercian Volunteers 1971-1975
Light Infantry Volunteers 1967-1972
Lincolnshire Yeomanry 1901-1920
Linlithgow Yeomanry Cavalry 1797-1827
The Liverpool Scottish 1900-present
The London Irish Rifles 1860-present
The London Regiment 1908-1938
The London Regiment 1993-present
London Rifle Brigade 1859-1950
London Rifle Brigade / Rangers 1950-1966
The London Scottish 1859-present
Long Range Desert Group 1940-1945
The Lothians and Border Horse Yeomanry 1888-1956
The Earl of Loudoun's Regiment of Foot 1745-1748
The Lovat Scouts 1900-present
The Lowland Regiment 1942-1949
The Lowland Volunteers 1995-1999
Loyal London Volunteer Cavalry 1798-1814
The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire) [47th, 81st] 1881-1970
McDonnell's Highlanders 1777-1783
Machine Gun Corps 1915-1922
Machine Gun Guards 1917-1920
The Manchester Regiment [63rd, 96th] 1881-1958
Manx Yeomanry Cavalry 1796-1828?
The Mercian Regiment 2007-present
Mercian Volunteers 1967-1988
The Middlesex Regiment (Duke of Cambridge's Own) [57th, 77th] 1881-1966
Middlesex Yeomanry (Duke of Cambridge's Own Hussars) 1797-present
Military Provost Staff Corps 1901-1992
Mobile Defence Corps 1955-1959
Monmouthshire Militia 1539-present
The Monmouthshire Regiment 1860-1971
Monmouthshire Yeomanry Cavalry 1798-1828?
Mons Officer Cadet School, Aldershot
Montgomery's Highlanders 1757-1763
Montgomeryshire Yeomanry 1803-1920
Mounted Infantry
National Defence Companies 1936-1943
New South Wales Corps 1789-1808
Norfolk Yeomanry (The King's Own Royal Regiment) 1782-1961
North Cork Rifles 1793-1908
North Hertfordshire Yeomanry Cavalry 1794-1870
North Irish Horse 1900-present
North Irish Militia 1967-1978
North Lincoln Regiment of Yeomanry Cavalry 1794-1846
North Salopian Yeomanry Cavalry 1795-1872
The North Somerset and Bristol Yeomanry 1956-1969
The North Somerset Yeomanry 1798-1956,
The North Staffordshire Regiment (The Prince of Wales's) [64th, 98th] 1881-1959
The Northamptonshire Regiment [48th, 58th] 1881-1960
The Northamptonshire Yeomanry 1794-1971
Northern Bucks Yeomanry Cavalry 1803-1828
The Northern Cyclist Battalion 1908-1919
The Northumberland Hussars 1797-present
The Northumbrian Volunteers 1971-1975
North Yorkshire Yeomanry 1794-1838
Nottinghamshire Yeomanry 1794-1951
Regiment of Le Comte O'Connell (Irish Brigade) 1794-1797
The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry [43rd, 52nd] 1881-1966

Oxfordshire Yeomanry (Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars) 1798-present
The Parachute Corps 1940-1942
The Parachute Corps 1967-1968
The Parachute Regiment 1940-present
Peebleshire Yeomanry Cavalry 1803-1827
The Pembroke Yeomanry (Castlemartin) 1794-present
Perthshire Yeomanry Cavalry 1798-1828
Popski's Private Army 1942-1945
The Prince of Wales's Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadians) [100th, 109th] 1881-1922
The Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of Yorkshire 1958-2006
Princess Louise's Kensington Regiment 1859-present
The Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment (Queen's and Royal Hampshires) 1992-present
Provisional Battalions, 1st-4th 1811-1814
Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service 1902-1949
Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps 1949-present
Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps 1917-1919
Queen Victoria's Rifles 1803-1961
The Queen's Bays (2nd Dragoon Guards) 1685-1959
The Queen's Gurkha Engineers 1948-present
Queen's Gurkha Signals 1948-present
The Queen's Lancashire Regiment 1970-2006
The Queen's Own Buffs, The Royal Kent Regiment 1961-1966
The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders [79th] 1793-1961
The Queen's Own Dorset Yeomanry 1794-present
The Queen's Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment 2001-present
The Queen's Own Gurkha Transport Regiment 1958-2001
Queen's Own Highlanders (Seaforth and Camerons) 1961-1994
The Queen's Own Hussars 1958-1993
The Queen's Own Lowland Yeomanry 1956-1999
The Queen's Own Mercian Yeomanry 1971-1992
The Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars 1798-present
The Queen's Own Royal Glasgow Yeomanry 1797-1956
The Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment [50th, 97th] 1881-1961
The Queen's Own Warwickshire and Worcestershire Yeomanry 1956-1999
The Queen's Own Worcestershire Hussars 1794-1956
The Queen's Own Yeomanry 1971-present
The Queen's Own Yorkshire Dragoons 1794-1956
The Queen's Own Yorkshire Yeomanry 1956-present
The Queen's Regiment 1966-1992
The Queen's Royal Hussars (The Queen's Own and Royal Irish) 1993-present
The Queen's Royal Irish Hussars 1958-1993
The Queen's Royal Lancers 1993-present
The Queen's Royal Regiment (West Surrey) [2nd] 1661-1959
The Queen's Royal Rifles 1961-1967
The Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment 1959-1966
Queen Victoria's Rifles 1803-1961
The Queen's Westminsters 1860-1961
Raiding Support Regiment 1943-1945
The Rangers 1860-1950
Reconnaissance Corps 1940-1946
Renfrewshire Yeomanry Cavalry 1795-1839
The Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own) [95th] 1800-1966
The Rifle Volunteers 1999-2007
The Rifles 2007-present
Roxburghshire Gentlemen and Yeomanry Cavalry 1797-1828
Royal Air Force Armoured Car Companies 1922-present
Royal Air Force Regiment 1942-present
The Royal Anglian Regiment 1964-present
Royal Armoured Corps 1939-present
Royal Army Chaplains Department 1919-present
Royal Army Dental Corps 1946-present
Royal Army Educational Corps 1946-1992
Royal Army Medical Corps 1898-present
Royal Army Ordnance Corps 1918-1993
Royal Army Pay Corps 1920-1992
Royal Army Service Corps 1918-1965
Royal Army Veterinary Corps 1796-present
Royal Artillery 1716-present
The Royal Berkshire Regiment (Princess Charlotte of Wales's) [49th, 66th] 1881-1959
The Royal Canadian Rifle Regiment 1840-1870
Royal Corps of Signals 1920-present
Royal Corps of Transport 1965-1993
Royal Defence Corps 1916-1936
Royal Devon Yeomanry 1920-present
The Royal Dragoon Guards 1992-present
The Royal Dragoons (1st Dragoons) 1661-1969
The Royal Dublin Fusiliers [102nd, 103rd] 1881-1922
Royal East Devon Yeomanry Cavalry 1794-1838
The Royal East Kent Yeomanry (The Duke of Connaught's Own) (Mounted Rifles) 1794-1920
Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers 1942-present
Royal Engineers 1716-present
Royal Field Artillery 1899-1924
Royal 1st Devon Yeomanry 1794-1920
Royal Flying Corps 1912-1918
The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) [7th] 1685-1968
Royal Garrison Artillery 1899-1924
Royal Garrison Battalion 1779-1783
The Royal Garrison Battalion [see also numeric index] 1795-1802
The Royal Garrison Regiment 1900-1908
The Royal Gibraltar Regiment 1939-present
The Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiment 1994-2006
The Royal Gloucestershire Hussars 1795-present
The Royal Green Jackets 1966-2007
The Royal Guernsey Light Infantry 1916-1919
The Royal Gurkha Rifles 1994-present
The Royal Hampshire Regiment [37th, 67th] 1881-1992
The Royal Highland Fusiliers (Princess Margaret's Own Glasgow and Ayrshire Regiment) 1959-2006
Royal Horse Artillery 1793-present
Royal Horse Guards 1650-1969
Royal Hospital, Chelsea 1682-present
The Royal Hussars (Prince of Wales's Own) 1969-1992
The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers [27th, 108th] 1881-1968
Royal Irish Artillery 1755-1801
The Royal Irish Fusiliers (Princess Victoria's) [87th, 89th] 1881-1968
The Royal Irish Rangers (27th (Inniskilling) 83rd and 87th) 1968-1992
The Royal Irish Rangers 1999-present
The Royal Irish Regiment [18th] 1684-1922
The Royal Irish Regiment (27th (Inniskilling) 83rd and 87th
and The Ulster Defence Regiment) 1992-present
The Royal Irish Rifles [83rd, 86th] 1881-1968
The Royal Leicestershire Regiment [17th] 1688-1964
The Royal Lincolnshire Regiment [10th] 1685-1960
Royal Logistic Corps 1993-present
Royal Marine Artillery 1804-1923
Royal Marine Light Infantry 1855-1923
Royal Marines 1664-present
The Royal Mercian and Lancastrian Yeomanry 1992-present
Royal Mid-Lothian Yeomanry Cavalry 1797-1871
Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst 1946-present
Royal Military Academy, Woolwich 1741-1946
Royal Military Artificers 1787-1812
Royal Military College, Sandhurst 1798-1946
Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham
Royal Military Police 1946-1992
Royal Military School of Music
Royal Militia of the Island of Jersey 1337-present
Royal Monmouthshire Royal Engineers (Militia) 1539-present
The Royal Munster Fusiliers [101st, 104th] 1881-1922
Royal Naval Commandos
Royal Navy
The Royal Newfoundland Regiment 1795-1816
The Royal Newfoundland Regiment 1914-1919
The Royal Norfolk Regiment [9th] 1685-1959
Royal North Devon Yeomanry 1798-1920
The Royal Northumberland Fusiliers [5th] 1674-1968
Royal Observer Corps
Royal Pioneer Corps 1939-1992
Royal Regiment of Artillery 1716-present
The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers 1968-present
The Royal Regiment of Scotland 2006-present
The Royal Regiment of Wales (24th/41st Foot) 1969-2006
The Royal Rifle Volunteers 1999-2007
Royal Sappers and Miners 1812-1856
Royal School of Artillery, Larkhill
Royal School of Military Engineering, Chatham
The Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment) [1st] 1572-2006
The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers and Greys) 1971-present
The Royal Scots Fusiliers [21st] 1678-1959
The Royal Scots Greys [2nd Dragoons] 1678-1971
Royal Signals 1920-present
Royal Staff Corps 1800-1837
The Royal Sussex Regiment [35th, 107th] 1881-1966
Royal Tank Corps 1923-1939
Royal Tank Regiment 1939-present
The Royal Ulster Rifles [83rd, 86th] 1881-1968
Royal Veteran Battalions [see numeric index] 1802-1827
Royal Waggon Train 1794-1833
The Royal Warwickshire Fusiliers [6th] 1673-1968
The Royal Welch Fusiliers [23rd] 1689-2006
The Royal Welsh 2006-present
The Royal Welsh Regiment 1999-2006
The Royal Wessex Yeomanry 1971-present
The Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry (Prince of Wales's Own) 1794-present
The Royal Yeomanry 1967-present
Rutland Light Dragoons 1794-1799?
School of Army Aviation
School of Artillery, Manorbier
School of Infantry, Warminster
School of Military Survey, Newbury
Scotch Brigade 1568-1802
Scots Fusilier Guards 1831-1877
Scots Guards 1660-present
The Scottish Horse 1903-1956
The Scottish Yeomanry 1992-1999
Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, The Duke of Albany's) [72nd, 78th] 1881-1961
Selkirkshire Corps of Yeomanry Cavalry 1798-1828
The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment) [45th, 95th] 1881-1970
The Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry 1794-present
The Shropshire Yeomanry 1872-present
Small Arms School Corps 1854-present
The Somerset and Cornwall Light Infantry 1959-1968
The Somerset Light Infantry (Prince Albert's) [13th] 1685-1959
The Somerset Yeomanry and Light Infantry 1967-1988
South Cork Light Infantry 1793-1922
Southern Bucks Yeomanry Cavalry 1803-1828
South Hertfordshire Yeomanry Cavalry 1794-1870
South Irish Horse 1900-1922
The South Lancashire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Volunteers) [40th, 82nd] 1881-1958
The South Nottinghamshire Hussars Yeomanry 1795-present
South Salopian Yeomanry Cavalry 1795-1872
The South Staffordshire Regiment [38th, 80th] 1881-1959
The South Wales Borderers [24th] 1689-1969
Special Air Service Regiment 1941-present
Special Reconnaissance Regiment 2005-present
Staff College, Camberley
Staff Corps of Cavalry 1810-1817
The Staffordshire Regiment (The Prince of Wales's) 1959-2007
Staffordshire, Warwickshire and Worcestershire Yeomanry 1999-present
The Staffordshire Yeomanry (Queen's Own Royal Regiment) 1794-1999
Stirlingshire Yeomanry Cavalry 1798-1835?
Suffolk and Norfolk Yeomanry 1956-present
The Suffolk Regiment [12th] 1685-1959
Suffolk Yeomanry (The Duke of York's Own Loyal Suffolk Hussars) 1793-1961
Surrey Yeomanry (Queen Mary's Regiment) 1794-present
Sussex Yeomanry 1794-1999
The Tank Corps 1917-1923
Tarleton's Dragoons 1782-1783
Territorial Army Nursing Service 1922-1949
Territorial Force Nursing Service 1908-1922
Tower Hamlets Rifles 1860-1969
The Tyne-Tees Regiment 1999-2006
The Tyneside Irish 1914-1919
The Tyneside Scottish 1914-present
Ulster Defence Regiment 1970-1992
Voluntary Aid Detachment 1909-
Regiment of Le Comte Walsh de Serrant (Irish Brigade) 1794-1798
Regiment of Le Vicomte Walsh de Serrant (Irish Brigade) 1794-1798
The Warwickshire Yeomanry 1794-1956
The Welch Regiment [41st, 69th] 1881-1969
Welsh Guards 1915-present
Welsh Horse 1914-1917
Welsh Volunteers 1967-1971
The Wessex Regiment 1967-1995
The West India Regiment 1888-1927
The West India Regiment 1959-1962
West Kent Yeomanry (Queen's Own) 1794-1920
The West Midlands Regiment 1999-2007
West Somerset Yeomanry 1794-1969
West York Yeomanry Cavalry 1794-1894
The West Yorkshire Regiment (The Prince of Wales's Own) [14th] 1685-1958
West York Yeomanry Cavalry, 1st 1803-1956
West York Yeomanry Cavalry, 2nd 1844-1894
The Westminster Dragoons (2nd County of London Yeomanry) 1779-present
Westmorland and Cumberland Yeomanry 1819-1969
Wigtownshire Yeomanry Cavalry 1797-1835?
The Wiltshire Regiment (Duke of Edinburgh's) [62nd, 99th] 1881-1959
Women's Army Auxiliary Corps 1917-1919
Women's Forage Corps 1915-?
Women's Land Army
Women's Legion 1915-1917
Women's Royal Army Corps 1949-1992
Women's Royal Voluntary Service
Women's Transport Service 1933-1939
The Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment (29th/45th Foot) 1970-2007
The Worcestershire Regiment [29th, 36th] 1881-1970
The York and Lancaster Regiment [65th, 84th] 1881-1968
York Chasseurs 1813-1819
York North Riding Yeomanry Cavalry 1794-1838
The Yorkshire Hussars Yeomanry (Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own) 1794-1956
The Yorkshire Regiment (14th/15th, 19th and 33rd/76th) 2006-present
Yorkshire Volunteers 1967-1993


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