"The Last Hussar"
by Gerard Walton
Apart from Mam, my 6 brothers and sisters, me and a
few brass monkeys looking for welders, Thornaby Station was pretty
quiet on that September morning when my whole world was about to change,
and as any other squaddies may tell you not always for the good !.
Along the way I met up with other lost souls and a mate
whom I'd come to know over the past year by the name of "Rob
Wright" known in later years in the regiment as "numb nuts".
We eventually arrived at Wool Station to be collected by the Training
Staff and transported to Bovington Camp in de-luxe 4 tonners (de-luxe
as they had canvas sides!), the next couple of days were hectic..
jab here..run there.. picking up uniform etc.
And being asked by the Q.M. my chest size and telling
him I hadn't had one issued yet! I thought this would break the ice...
but he decided to break my sense of humour by sending me to meet the
lovable RP staff in the jail for 4hours.
Replying to all the questions thrown at me at mach 6
with "Yes Staff" I came to know and love the task of "bumping
the ceilings", this was a particularly difficult task for me
as I was slim of frame (8st wringing wet). As for those unfamiliar
with a bumper, this was a cast piece of metal weighing about 50lbs
with bristles on the bottom used to "bumper" the wax laid
by hand on all floors till the Troop Sgt. could see the full length
of his reflection in it. With one on each arm this was a task for
Charles Atlas, (and his mate!)
I was badged to the 15th /19th The King's Royal Hussars,
as like Rob I had a committal card issued to me by the infamous "Paddy
Fox. BEM." who on his own over the years recruited half the regiment,
and is now a Chelsea Pensioner. Although we weren't allowed to wear
the cap badge until we passed out to the regiment we wore "The
Wanking Spanner", the Badge of the RAC.

Over the next couple of months military college took
over most of our time,..drill...field craft etc..took a back seat..Sgt
Major Fox (Coldstream Guards) was the NCO in charge of inflicting
daily pain on us on the square, "His Square!. He was from Middlesborough
and a football fanatic..! on the other hand I knew nothing of the
sport except a lot of men ran around kicking a piece of leather taking
great delight in kissing each other when one of them scored. A concept
he found highly irritable the day I shared my views with him. The
colour he proceeded to change into was a kind of deep purple ****
was the first word that came out of his pie hole... along with "How
on Gods earth can a Teesider not like football? Was this a trick question
I asked, lulling me into a false sense of security? I was the pawn
of the devil that day...until...he threatened our lives would become
unbearable .. due to yours truly.. which didn't stand me in good stead
with the troop. He had a habit of asking football questions to any
member of the Troop at the end of each lesson, fortunately for me
and the troop, I had never been asked a question... however today
was the day !!. in full purple mode he described the punishment in
even fuller detail. I think one part of it was to include going over
the assault course in full dress kit, best boots wearing ya respirator!
We would be spared the imminent torture if Trooper Walton
could get this question right? You could hear the Oh F..... from 20ft
away as the lads knew my football knowledge was less than that of
the Pope! Who was the greatest footballer ever to play for Middlesborough....
Walton? The air was filled with a silence you only hear at a Cliff
Richard concert, the time passing must have seemed like weeks to the
troop but I can assure you it was in milli seconds.. My Uncle. The
reply came back in MACH 6 mode, "Your Uncle".. with an air
of uncertainty in his voice, "Aye Sir.. my Uncle! And who is
that, lad? "Ex England and Boro player.. Wilf Mannion Sir.
His slashed peaked cap fell from his head, you could
see the lads getting into assault course mode, "Holy shit, don't
tell me your Uncle was Wilf Mannion.. No Sir , he is, still my Uncle.
A smile cracked his face for the first time anyone had ever seen,
if it had ever been possible. After that I was taken to his office
for a cup of tea while the lads were given the afternoon off, I was
discussing my Uncle Wilf, my popularity that day rose I can tell ya,
thank god for genetics!!
It was Xmas in 82, my Dad took ill so I had to depart
the troop and the Junior Leaders Regt. RAC. (the cap badge worn by
students) leaving behind the friends I'd made, Andy Attwell, (13th/18th
Hussars) Dave Watson (L.G.) and numerous others including Numb Nut's,
still looking like I should have been at school having to go home
to run Dad's shop I never thought I'd wear the badge of the 15th/19th
KRH.... How wrong could I be.

Andy Attwell and me.J.L.Regt.RAC. 1982, note the
cap badge
Now that Dad was OK again off I went to Catterick for
a second time around of basic training, would it be the same? Locker
layout everything 9x9 with a smiley face so flat when ironed it looked
like a pint of Southern Beer! Well as hard as they tried nothing the
p.s. (permanent staff) could do could ever effect me, I'd had it twice
as long and twice as hard at Bovington, a fact they knew eventually
and came to realise. Changing parades and bullshit, it just didn't
effect me now. I left Catterick eventually badged to the Regiment
trained as a radio operator and gunner for c.v.r.t. and I was off
to join them in Paderborn in Germany.
Paderborn was full of squaddies from 2RTR, 34 Heavy
Regt and us! A few debates arose in the town over the year and a half
I was stationed there as to drinking rights etc, needless to say the
boys gave a more than adequate account of themselves. Medic courses,driving
courses, all arms search team led up to our tour of Northern Ireland,
a tour I was looking forward to, real soldiering. We arrived at Aldgrove
along with a flight of Yanks just stopping off to refuel on there
way back to the good ol USA, along with a chorus of laughter, they
informed us that they would be getting a medal for being in a War
Zone, they could not understand when we asked ,"Where is the
War Zone". We had our first taste of action on leaving Aldergrove
down the country lanes when a burr...burr...burr., rang out, you have
never seen a quicker reaction as the two lads at the back of the de
luxe 4tonner cocked their SLR's pointing them out of the rear as the
whole troop hit the deck trying to eat the flooring we were so low.
The poor old Irish man nearly had a stroke, so much so his pneaumatic
drill stalled, we eventually saw the funny side although there were
a few strange smells in the back for a while.
We were there as a prison guard force at HMP Maze and
Crumlin Road, it sometimes felt like we were the prisoners as a lot
of the time we spent in the towers over seeing the prisoners run round
and round all day so much that if they'd ever gotten out there was
no one quick enough to catch them. Part of our tour we worked with
11 UDR in Lurgan and Portadown, my brick was Cpl. Richie Kimber, Trooper
Darren Elliott (R.I.P.), Duncan Smith and yours truly, me being fourth
man, I seen the whole tour backwards, it was a standing joke with
the lads, everytime we went into a republican area (Kilwilkie) they
would in inform all the locals I was a Fenian! And also every time
we went into a Loyalist area, so I couldn't win really.
We had with us on tour an officer Capt S. who had just
returned from 7years as Adjutant at 22 SAS., I first met him when
I was boxing in an inter squadron event, Charlie Brown told me he'd
just come from 22 where he'd been Bedding Store man for 7years. This
time I didn't fall for it, although you could tell he was an officer
by the brown cords, checked jacket, lemon shirt and blue 22Regt. tie,
he stood out like a priest at a kids party. It was Capt. S. who on
our first couple of days in theatre told us to go and pronounce the
good name to the locals that the Black Hussars (so called after the
St. Peter's Field massacre of 1819) were in town and duly issued each
troop with a can of black spray paint to go forth and cover every
painted wall with Black Hussars large enough for everyone to see.
It was about this time I thought the locals were trying to give away
the estate, but there was no way it would have fit in the Rover!!
Ritchie Kimber and me, Oban Rd. Lurgan N.Ireland 1982 on v.c.p.
of wall art, Black Hussars paint job.
paint job.
final Salute to the Final Salute
Cyprus here we come
Ferret ftx 1985 Cyprus. Note: .30 Browning changed to GPMG 1986. Eventually
rolled down Trudos Mountains thanks to Trp. Davey Lowden.
truly: Pergamos, Cyprus 1985
As a reward or so we were told for an outstanding job
done in Ireland after returning to Germany and Capt. S. returning
back to 22SAS. (as Squad Leader last heard now Lt.Col.) we were sent
on a 2year posting to sunny Cyprus, as usual this turned out to be
a ploy, we spent 2 weeks of every 6 on outstation duties patrolling
the sovereign base area of the north of the island at all times day
and night. It was there we met our first Turkish soldier only to find
out he was from Tottenham, he'd been over to visit his granny and
been drafted up, we supplied him on a regular basis with tabs sweets
and Frankie Vaughan, apart from being a southerner he was OK!! We
were stationed in Episkopi as the Scots Guards (2Btn) Armoured Recce
Squadron, they were a good bunch but a bit loopy. Drink was cheap
so the lads tried a few times to drink the island dry, as ya do, we
had our own squadron bar and held many a shindig there in between
ftx and other duties. Sahagun Day Dec. 21st Regt. Battle Honour Day
is held by every member of the regiment no matter where and the done
thing is on the eve to go out and nick summit. This tradition is older
than the actual battle honour I would think (1808). When each tropper
to gain access to the bar must arrive with an article not his own,
(nicked), over the years we've had horses,caravans, bikes, dogs, portrait
of the Queen, taken from the Scot's Guards Officers Mess, taken while
they were having dinner, but all in good humour and always returned
next day to their rightful owner.
It was on Dec 21st 1984 we had a visit from the RMP
of Episkopi Garrison trying to locate lost property, because other
regiments on the island had their patrol car stripped of their wheels,
sirens and insignia whilst talking to the Sgt Major. "SGT. MAJOR
(Paddy O Niel) in his office. The whole squadron was aboard a coach
waiting to take us to happy valley to start off the festivities, when
the Sgt Major stepped onto the coach with 2 RMPclose to tears. "Right
you bunch of C....ts, Yho did it" to which trooper qwiff Clarkson
stood up in 1st WW Flying Hat and goggles with a scarf protruding
on a wire said, "It was Ginger Sir". The whole bus roared
with laughter and the RMP eventually saw the funny side once we put
the car back together like a formula 1 racing team. (THE FACT THAT
Clarkson now Clarkbo! In full Cyprus flying regalia. Detmold 1987
The summers were hot, the winters cold as we found out
over the 2yrs, at our expense we were allowed to wear army shorts
known as passion killers, they were so big they came up to your chest,
and like all cavalry units within the British Army if it STOOD still
we painted it!!Theres a saying that the Queen thinks the world smells
of paint cos 12yds in front of her you'll always find a squaddie painting
Me inspecting the Queen Tank Park , Episkopi 1985

Brown, Me in passion killers,Col Brookesbank (Nankers)
I left the island while the squadron was at Akamas annual
ranges, due to the death of my grand-dad and went from there to Bovington
for Chieftain conversion courses as the regiment on its return to
Germany was converting to M.B.T., not a decision that went down well
with the lads as the regiment had nearly always been a recce regt.,
but this was a sign of things to come.
row: Hodgey,
2nd row: Biffo Slaughter, Wayne Wakenshaw (Wakey),
3rd row: Rasher, NBarney, Serge, Boris ("the heed"), Andy
the Jock (Scots Guards) Front row: Charlie Brown, (Broon) Nankers,
Quiff (aka Clarkbo).
I escaped England after my courses by getting 3wks leave,
the first home leave I'd had in 18months, this came at a cost.. and
that was.. a 3month tour of Falkland Islands in minus 40, living in
a portacabin. But all was not lost, I met up with HMS Arrow, the ship
adopted by the regiment and had a day on board with the matlow's,
my stomach will not forget.
It was after my tour of the Falklands I returned to
Detmold, Germany in 1987 attached to recce troop HQ Squadron, when
I decided my day's as a Hussar should come to an end. LITTLE DID A
It was decided by the Goverment of the Day as usual
cuts needed to be made to the Forces and as always the Army was worst
hit. Armoured Regiments were cut from 19 to 11. But who was to Amalgamate
with who?
Now the Cold War threat was over who would our armoured
units fight against? If only Tom King had known 12 months later British
Armoured Regiments would be in action against Russian built armour
in the Gulf War, just maybe he wouldn't have been so keen to make
so many experienced tank crewmen and infantry men redundant.
Last Hussar.
It was 1999 when I got the letter off Tony Blair.. Dear
Ged, please come and fight for us.. love the goverment!! I still had
my long term reserve kit and on contacting MOD was told I was required
to go to Bosnia with the Light Dragoons. This of course in the money
saving drive of 1992 was one of the reasons I'd been called up, they'd
sacked all the troops with any experience but was pleased in a way
I'd be returning to the regiment I'd served in as they'd almalgamated
with the 13th/18th Hussars. Another regiment of long history and distinction
that had also been a recce regt.
Both regt's had a long history of battle honours, Emsdorf
(first ever battle honour bestowed on an English regiment) Balaclava,
Sahagun, Waterloo, Assaye, to name but a few. I travelled down to
Chillwell in Nottingham for 6 weeks refresher training, I'd served
3yrs with 252RMP in the TA in between, so things weren't to alien.
It was there I met up with guys from all walks of life ex squaddies
and guys who'd only ever served in the TA, but whom I came to respect
for there commitment. "Bosnia" I said "The Light Dragoons",
nope sorry but ya going to Kosovo now with the RSDG. A few more disillusioned
troops stood in the line with me, Joe Montgomery was ex RSDG, so he
was ok, a copper from Wishaw, Elio Henriques RLC. (patch or h to me).
Malcom Thorn (Titch) RLC, "We seem to have our fair share of
drivers Joe". Well Joe had been in MT. so he was ok.. I on the
other hand had been a recce soldier, I must be going to recce group
eh?. No such luck. There had been a bit of controversy at Chillwell
cos I was still wearing my 15/19 Hussar. "Well you don't have
a LD cap badge" Ok don't worry I'll make do".
We were then told we'd have to wear a grey beret (head
dress of RSDG) not that I have anything against the regiment, I thought
the guys were great and made some good mates.. only... you get used
to certain things and when you study regimental history ya get a feeling
of what the troops before you went through and I had an overwhelming
pride in my regiment. What I'd gone through to get that cap badge
was no one's business..I was keeping it, Tom King could kiss my ass!
and I felt personally hadn't the right to wear their headress, call
me old fashioned but, thats just me.
We arrived in Kosovo at 2am. it was 15 a deluxe 4tonner
awaiting us, we climbed in the back and set off for the Waterloo Hotel
Podejeve (about a mile from the Serbian border), we spent the first
night in a tent with no heating and arose at 6am, then of corse made
a brew. We were introduced to the Colonel of the regiment, he was
over the moon to have 6 augmenties, 4 of whom were 1st class drivers
which left me and Titch as the spare parts. The Colonel couldn't believe
I was wearing a 15/19 H cap badge as he'd worked with and met a lot
of guys over his service and thought we were a bunch of loonies, I
of course pointed out the fact I was a Teesider, but 20miles made
no difference to him. It seemed everywhere I went the next 3months
people would ask "What regiment are you mate", it was 3
months into the tour and the badge seemed to be quite annoying to
the QM. He would pass comment every time he passed me, maybe the 4yd
grin didn't help things and he decided it had to go and would indent
for a Light Dragoons badge for me.
We moved to the purpose built TFA and left the hotel,
I use the term with unease, it had at one time been used by the Serb
militia to torture, rape and execute civilians at there whim , the
cellars where the atrocities had been carried out sent the hairs on
ya neck to stand on end. During one of my 58 guards while in Kosovo
I was sure I heard voices at 2 in the morning so I decided in future
to give it a wide berth.
One morning Captain Tazey (Taz) presented me with my
LD cap badge, he was surprised I'd gotten away with it for so long
and taken the title off Quiff Clarkson who'd wore his badge till 1994
as he was posted to Canada. No one dare tell him to change it hence
his name changed from Quiff (he was getting balder) to Clarbo! like
Rambo but a bit harder.
I would like to think the lads of the Light Dragoons
would be accepting of me even though I'd put up such a fight to keep
that little bit of history a bit longer than I was supposed to and
only hope they think I lived up to the regimental motto now combined
Merebimur ------ (We shall be Worthy)
Viret in Aeternum------(It Flourishes forever)
I Dedicate this article to all Members of the 15th/19th
The Kings Royal Hussars and 13th/18th Hussars (QMO) passed and present
Gary Cooper, Darren Elliot, Kenny Nicholson.
Mates gone but not Forgotten.
And of course the Regiment of The Light Dragoons.
Ged Walton - 2004
Copyright Text and Images: Gerard Walton ----------Back
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