The Durham Light Infantry Tribute - John Attle Gallery - 4

John Attle's Pictures

All the pictures you see here are the sole copyright of John Attle and may not be reproduced without John's express permission.

Gallery No 4 - Tommy Griffiths Plaque unveiled 25th February 2007


Tommy Griffiths Plaque unveiled 25th February 2007

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A Memorial Service for Thomas (Tommy) Griffiths, the last Durham Light Infantry soldier to die in combat, was held this morning in the Parish Church of Shotton Colliery, Co. Durham, attended by a large congregation including Lt General Robin Brims CBE. After the service a Memorial Plaque honouring Pte Tommy Griffiths was unveiled. The Borneo Band and Bugles took part in both the service and unveiling ceremony.

At a reception afterwards in the Comrades Club an address was given by a representative of the Malaysian Government which was replied to by the Regimental Representative, Col. GC Bartram TD DL.

Pingat Jasa Malaysia medals were presented to Borneo veterans by the Malaysian Government Representative and a presentation made to the Griffiths family.

A new Durham Light Infantry book, Jungle Conflict – The Durham Light Infantry in Borneo 1965 – 1966 by Ralph Harrison and John Heron, is published today.

The book, which is liberally illustrated with photographs - many previously unpublished – tells the story of men of 1DLI who went from serving in Hong Kong to a Borneo deployment and succeeded, beyond expectation, fighting in a difficult jungle environment. It uses the words and colourful accounts of men who took part. It is a factual narrative of the Borneo ‘Confrontation’, which was the last DLI action, interspersed with humorous observations and conveys the spirit of strong comradeship of the DLI men. It is a story of success - the result of excellent leadership and also of the best of professional soldiering.

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