Coup de Main Newsletter

Spring 2005

Normandy 2005. There will be no official ceremonies this year. However, Mrs. Penny Bates (daughter of our D-Day commander Major John Howard) and her
husband George have visited France and contacted the local Mayors who are keen to support a programme along the lines of those in previous years.
Note: Amended times for some events

Sunday, 5th June.

1230hrs. Memorial Pegasus Museum. Wreath laying at the replica Horsa Glider and celebration of the opening of the museum. [For Coup de Main group]

Afternoon Concert at the seating area on the east side of the canal.

1845hrs. Evening Dinner for Coup de Main members. [Guests will be asked to make a small contribution towards the cost. Those wishing to attend, but who have not heard from Mrs Penny Bates, please contact her (or me)

2300hrs. Benouville. Firework display by the canal.

Midnight Ceremony by Major Howard’s bust and No.1 glider plinth organised by Mrs Penny Bates.
Monday 6th June

1030hrs Ranville Churchyard. Wreath laying at Den Brotheridge’s grave followed by ceremony in the adjoining Military Cemetery

1145hrs. Horsa Bridge. Brief ceremony.

1215hrs. Benouville. Parade and march over Pegasus Bridge for ceremony by the Signals Memorial on east side then return march across the canal bridge to the 7th Para Memorial for wreath laying ceremony. Followed by drinks at the Mairie

1500hrs. Herouvilette Churchyard. Meet the Mayors and people of Escoville and Herouvilette, together with ‘Last Out-First In’ Tour Group and cadets of The Royal Green Jackets for ceremony and wreath laying followed by drinks at La Salle in Herouvilette.

All Best Wishes

‘Ham & Jam’

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