Some badges may appear identical but there are differences which will not
be discernible from the image
Bedfordshire Regt.
1898 - 1919 |
Bedfordshire Regt. 1916 - 1919
Bedfordshire Regt.
Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Regt. 1919 - 1958
Royal Berkshire Pre. 1959
1st Btn. Blackpool Vols. 1914 - 1919
Brecknockshire Btn. South Wales Borderers 1919 -1921
South Wales Borderers 1898 - 1969
South Wales Borderers 1898 - 1969
South Wales Borderers 1916 - 1919
South Wales Borderers 5th Btn. Pre 1908
The King's Own Royal Border Regt. 1971 on.
Border Regt. 1901 - 1920
Border Regt. 1920 - 1953
4th Btn. Border Regt. Cumberland & Westmorland 1908
- 1921
5th Btn. Border Regt. Bord/Cumb. 1908 - 1921 |
Cambridgeshire Regt. Formed in 1908
Carnarvonshire Vols. Regt. 1914 - 1918
Carnarvonshire Vols. Regt. 1914 - 1918
Cheshire Regt. 1897 - 1921
Cheshire Regt. 1916 - 1919
Cheshire Regt. 1922 - 1958 & Post 1969 - 1970
Cheshire Regt. Post 1971
Derbyshire Regt. 1901 - 1902
Derbyshire Vols. (Home Guard) 1914 - 1919
4th Vol. Btn. Derbyshire Regt. 1908 - 1921
Devonshire Regt. 1916 - 1919
Devonshire Regt. 1903 - 1955
Devon & Dorsetshire Regt. Post 1971
Dorset Regt. 1951 - 1958
Dorsetshire Regt. 1901 - 1957
Dublin Regt. Nat. Vols. 1914 - 1918
The Duke of Edinburgh's Royal Regt. Post 1971
Essex Regt. 1908 - 1922
Essex Regt. 8th Cyclist Btn. 1911 - 1920
Essex Regt. 1922 - 1958
Exeter Vols. 1914 - 1918
Gloucestshire Regt. 1898 - 1958
Gloucestershire Regt. with back badge 1898 - 1958
5/6 Btn. Gloucestershire Regt. 1908 - 1921
Gloucestershire Regt. with back badge 1916 - 1919
Gloucestershire Regt. Post 1971
Glos/Berks/Wilts 1994
2nd Btn. Vols. Hampshire Regt. 1898 - 1921
6th Btn. Hampshire Regt. 1908 - 1921
7th Btn. Hampshire Regt. 1908 - 1921
8th Btn Royal Hampshire Regt. I.O.W. Rifles 1908 - 1921
Hampshire Regt. Post 1971
Royal Hampshire Regt. Pre 1953
Royal Hampshire Regt. 1953 - 1959
Royal Hampshire Regt. Post 1971
2nd Btn. Hampshire Rifle Vols. Pre 1901
Herefordshire Regt. 1908 - 1947
Hertfordshire Regt. (Forage Cap) Post 1908
Huntingdonshire Cyclist Btn. also H.G. 1951/59 1914 - 1918
Isle of Man Home Guard Post 1951
The Kent Vols. 1914 - 1918
Royal East Kent Regt. (The Buffs) Pre 1958
Royal East Kent Regt. Pre 1958
Royal West Kent Regt. (Queens Own) 1916 - 1919
Royal West Kent Regt. Pre 1958
The Kings Regt. (Liverpool) 1953 - 1960 (The City Regiment)
The Kings Regt. (Liverpool) 1926 - 1952 (The City Regiment)
The Kings Regt. (Liverpool) Pre 1926 - (The City Regiment)
Lancashire Vols. North East.1914 - 1918
Lancashire Vols. 1st Btn 47a 1914 - 1918
Lancashire Vols. (Wigan Pals) 1914 - 1918
East Lancashire Regt. 1st Btn. Vols. 1901 - 1908
East Lancashire Regt. 1916 - 1919
East Lancashire Regt. (Brass Rose) 1919 - 1953
East Lancashire Regt. L/Inf. 1953 - 1958
Loyal North Lancs. Regt. 4th Btn. 1901 - 1920
South Lancs. Regt. (Prince of Wales Vols) 1916 - 1919
South Lancs. Regt. (Prince of Wales Vols) 1920 - 1958
South Lancs Regt. (Prince of Wales Vols) Beret.
Queens Own Lancs Regt. L/Inf. Post 1971
The Kings Own Royal Lancaster Regt. (Solid Banner) 1916
- 1919
The Kings Own Royal Lancaster Regt. 1898 - 1958
The Leinster Regt. 1916 - 1919
The Leinster Regt. Pre 1922
Loyal North Lancs Regt. 1920 - 1956
Leicestershire Regt. 4/5/6 Btn. 1908 - 1921.
Leicestershire Regt. 4/5/6 Btn. 1914 - 1918
The Royal Leicestershire Regt. 1946 - 1949
Lincolnshire Regt. 1st Vols. Pre 1908
Lincolnshire Regt. 2nd Vols. Pre 1908
Lincolnshire Regt. 3rd Vols. Pre 1908
Lincolnshire Regt. 4/5 TA. 1908 - 1921
Lincolnshire Regt. (Officers Dress) Pre 1946
Lincolnshire Regt. Pre 1946
Lincolnshire Regt. Pre 1946
The Royal Lincolnshire Regt. 1946 - 1958
Manchester Regt. 1916 - 1919
Manchester Regt. 1898 - 1922
Manchester Regt. 1923 - 1946
Manchester Regt. 1947 - 1958
Manchester Regt. Pre 1908
Manchester Regt. 5th Vol. Btn 1908 |
Manchester Regt. 7th Btn. Post 1914 |
Middlesex Regt. 1902-1913
Middlesex Regt. 1916-1919
Middlesex Regt. 1919-1937 |
Middlesex Regt. 1938-1952
Middlesex Regt. 1953-1960 |
Middlesex Regt. 4th Vol. Btn.1919-1922 |
Monmouthshire Regt 1st Btn 1908 - 1922 |
Monmouthshire Regt 1st Btn 1908 - 1922 |
Monmouthshire Regt 1st Btn 1922 - 1946 |
Monmouthshire Regt 2nd Btn Post 1908 |
Monmouthshire Regt 2nd Btn Post 1908 |
Monmouthshire Regt 2nd Btn Post 1908 |
Monmouthshire Regt 3rd Btn Post 1908 |
Monmouthshire Regt 3rd Btn Post 1908 |
Monmouthshire Regt 3rd Btn Post 1908 |
Norfolk Regt 1898 - 1937 |
Norflk Regt 1916 - 1919 |
Norfolk Regt (Pagri Badge) 1881 - 1900 |
Norfolk Regt (Officer's) 1938 - 1958 |
Norfolk Regt Beret Badge 1946 - 1958 |
Norfolk Regt 1938 - 1946 |
Northamptonshire Regt 1900 - 1958 |
Northamptonshire Regt 1916 - 1919 |
Northamptonshire Regt 4th Vols Btn Pre 1908 |
Notts & Derby Regt (Sherwood Foresters)1902
- 1955 |
The Queen's Regt 4Regts merged - Buffs Sussex Middx
- Post 1966 |
The Queen's Regt 1980 |
The Queen's Regt (Change over from AA)
Post 1990 |
The Radnor Home Guard 1953 - 1957 |
North Staffordshire Regt 1898 - 1958 |
North Staffordshire Regt 1916 - 1919 |
North Staffordshire Regt 1952 - 1958
South Staffordshire Regt 1916 - 1919 |
South Staffordshire Regt 1901 - 1953 |
South Staffordshire Regt Post 1953 |
Staffordshire Regt Post 1970 |
Staffordshire Regt (Prince of Wales)
Glider Badge Post 1959 |
Suffolk Regt (Officer's) 1901 - 1953 |
Suffolk Regt 1904 - 1916
Suffolk Regt 1916 - 1953 |
Suffolk Regt 1916 - 1919
Suffolk Regt 1953 - 1958 |
Suffolk & Cambridgeshire TARegt
Post 1970 |
East Surrey Regt (Pagri Badge) 1891 - 1893 |
East Surrey Regt 1915 - 1919 |
East Surrey Regt 1953 - 1958 |
Royal Militia Surrey Regt 2nd Btn 1869 - 1878 |
Royal Sussex Regt 1916 - 1919 |
Royal Sussex Regt Pre 1958 |
Royal Warwickshire Regt 1st Btn (Birmingham Pals)
1914/1918 |
Royal Warwickshire Regt 2nd Btn (Birmingham Pals)
1914/1918 |
Royal Warwickshire Regt 3rd Btn (Birmingham
Pals) 1914/1918 |
Warwickshire Regt 1st Btn Vols 1914/1918 |
Royal Warwickshire Regt 1898/1958 |
Royal Warwickshire Regt 1953/1958
The Welch Regt 1920/1953 |
The Welch Regt (Change over from 1990) |
The Welsh Regt 1898/1920 |
The Welsh Regt 16th Btn (Cardiff Pals) 1914/1918 |
Duke of Wellingtons Regt 2nd Btn 1916/1919 |
West Riding Regt (Duke of Wellingtons)
1897/1958 |
West Riding Regt (Duke of Wellingtons) 1916/1919 |
West Riding Regt (Duke of Wellingtons) Post 1971 |
Wiltshire Regt 1901/1916 |
Wiltshire Regt 1947/1958 |
Wiltshire Regt 4th Btn 1916/1947 |
Worcestershire Regt 1898/1925 |
Worcestershire Regt 1925/1953 |
Worcestershire Regt 1953/1958 |
Worcestershire & Sherwood Foresters
Regt Post 1971 |
Yorkshire Regt (Green Howards) Princess of Wales
Own 1903/1922 |
Yorkshire Regt (Green Howards) Princess of Wales
Own 1922/1950 |
Yorkshire Regt (Green Howards) |
Yorkshire Regt (Green Howards) Post 1971 |
East Yorkshire (With WM Rose) 1898/1958 |
East Yorkshire Regt (With WM Rose) 1898/1958 |
West Yorkshire 1898/1958 |
West Yorkshire Regt 15 & 17 Btn Vols (Leeds Pals)
1914/1918 |
York & Land Lancaster Regt 1881/1969 |
York & Lancaster Regt 1916/1919 |