Gallery No 1 - Badges

County Regiments & One City Regiment - Infantry - 1 to 179

Some badges may appear identical but there are differences which will not be discernible from the image

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Bedfordshire Regt. 1898 - 1919
Bedfordshire Regt. 1916 - 1919
Bedfordshire Regt.
Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Regt. 1919 - 1958
Royal Berkshire Pre. 1959
1st Btn. Blackpool Vols. 1914 - 1919
Brecknockshire Btn. South Wales Borderers 1919 -1921
South Wales Borderers 1898 - 1969
South Wales Borderers 1898 - 1969
South Wales Borderers 1916 - 1919
South Wales Borderers 5th Btn. Pre 1908
The King's Own Royal Border Regt. 1971 on.
Border Regt. 1901 - 1920
Border Regt. 1920 - 1953
4th Btn. Border Regt. Cumberland & Westmorland 1908 - 1921
5th Btn. Border Regt. Bord/Cumb. 1908 - 1921
Cambridgeshire Regt. Formed in 1908
Carnarvonshire Vols. Regt. 1914 - 1918
Carnarvonshire Vols. Regt. 1914 - 1918
Cheshire Regt. 1897 - 1921
Cheshire Regt. 1916 - 1919
Cheshire Regt. 1922 - 1958 & Post 1969 - 1970
Cheshire Regt. Post 1971
Derbyshire Regt. 1901 - 1902
Derbyshire Vols. (Home Guard) 1914 - 1919
4th Vol. Btn. Derbyshire Regt. 1908 - 1921
Devonshire Regt. 1916 - 1919
Devonshire Regt. 1903 - 1955
Devon & Dorsetshire Regt. Post 1971
Dorset Regt. 1951 - 1958
Dorsetshire Regt. 1901 - 1957
Dublin Regt. Nat. Vols. 1914 - 1918
The Duke of Edinburgh's Royal Regt. Post 1971
Essex Regt. 1908 - 1922
Essex Regt. 8th Cyclist Btn. 1911 - 1920
Essex Regt. 1922 - 1958
Exeter Vols. 1914 - 1918
Gloucestshire Regt. 1898 - 1958
Gloucestershire Regt. with back badge 1898 - 1958
5/6 Btn. Gloucestershire Regt. 1908 - 1921
Gloucestershire Regt. with back badge 1916 - 1919
Gloucestershire Regt. Post 1971
Glos/Berks/Wilts 1994
2nd Btn. Vols. Hampshire Regt. 1898 - 1921
6th Btn. Hampshire Regt. 1908 - 1921
7th Btn. Hampshire Regt. 1908 - 1921
8th Btn Royal Hampshire Regt. I.O.W. Rifles 1908 - 1921
Hampshire Regt. Post 1971
Royal Hampshire Regt. Pre 1953
Royal Hampshire Regt. 1953 - 1959
Royal Hampshire Regt. Post 1971
2nd Btn. Hampshire Rifle Vols. Pre 1901
Herefordshire Regt. 1908 - 1947
Hertfordshire Regt. (Forage Cap) Post 1908
Huntingdonshire Cyclist Btn. also H.G. 1951/59 1914 - 1918
Isle of Man Home Guard Post 1951
The Kent Vols. 1914 - 1918
Royal East Kent Regt. (The Buffs) Pre 1958
Royal East Kent Regt. Pre 1958
Royal West Kent Regt. (Queens Own) 1916 - 1919
Royal West Kent Regt. Pre 1958
The Kings Regt. (Liverpool) 1953 - 1960 (The City Regiment)
The Kings Regt. (Liverpool) 1926 - 1952 (The City Regiment)
The Kings Regt. (Liverpool) Pre 1926 - (The City Regiment)
Lancashire Vols. North East.1914 - 1918
Lancashire Vols. 1st Btn 47a 1914 - 1918
Lancashire Vols. (Wigan Pals) 1914 - 1918
East Lancashire Regt. 1st Btn. Vols. 1901 - 1908
East Lancashire Regt. 1916 - 1919
East Lancashire Regt. (Brass Rose) 1919 - 1953
East Lancashire Regt. L/Inf. 1953 - 1958
Loyal North Lancs. Regt. 4th Btn. 1901 - 1920
South Lancs. Regt. (Prince of Wales Vols) 1916 - 1919
South Lancs. Regt. (Prince of Wales Vols) 1920 - 1958
South Lancs Regt. (Prince of Wales Vols) Beret.
Queens Own Lancs Regt. L/Inf. Post 1971
The Kings Own Royal Lancaster Regt. (Solid Banner) 1916 - 1919
The Kings Own Royal Lancaster Regt. 1898 - 1958
The Leinster Regt. 1916 - 1919
The Leinster Regt. Pre 1922
Loyal North Lancs Regt. 1920 - 1956
Leicestershire Regt. 4/5/6 Btn. 1908 - 1921.
Leicestershire Regt. 4/5/6 Btn. 1914 - 1918
The Royal Leicestershire Regt. 1946 - 1949
Lincolnshire Regt. 1st Vols. Pre 1908
Lincolnshire Regt. 2nd Vols. Pre 1908
Lincolnshire Regt. 3rd Vols. Pre 1908
Lincolnshire Regt. 4/5 TA. 1908 - 1921
Lincolnshire Regt. (Officers Dress) Pre 1946
Lincolnshire Regt. Pre 1946
Lincolnshire Regt. Pre 1946
The Royal Lincolnshire Regt. 1946 - 1958
Manchester Regt. 1916 - 1919
Manchester Regt. 1898 - 1922
Manchester Regt. 1923 - 1946
Manchester Regt. 1947 - 1958
Manchester Regt. Pre 1908
Manchester Regt. 5th Vol. Btn 1908
Manchester Regt. 7th Btn. Post 1914
Middlesex Regt. 1902-1913
Middlesex Regt. 1916-1919
Middlesex Regt. 1919-1937
Middlesex Regt. 1938-1952
Middlesex Regt. 1953-1960
Middlesex Regt. 4th Vol. Btn.1919-1922
Monmouthshire Regt 1st Btn 1908 - 1922
Monmouthshire Regt 1st Btn 1908 - 1922
Monmouthshire Regt 1st Btn 1922 - 1946
Monmouthshire Regt 2nd Btn Post 1908
Monmouthshire Regt 2nd Btn Post 1908
Monmouthshire Regt 2nd Btn Post 1908
Monmouthshire Regt 3rd Btn Post 1908
Monmouthshire Regt 3rd Btn Post 1908
Monmouthshire Regt 3rd Btn Post 1908
Norfolk Regt 1898 - 1937
Norflk Regt 1916 - 1919
Norfolk Regt (Pagri Badge) 1881 - 1900
Norfolk Regt (Officer's) 1938 - 1958
Norfolk Regt Beret Badge 1946 - 1958
Norfolk Regt 1938 - 1946
Northamptonshire Regt 1900 - 1958
Northamptonshire Regt 1916 - 1919
Northamptonshire Regt 4th Vols Btn Pre 1908
Notts & Derby Regt (Sherwood Foresters)1902 - 1955
The Queen's Regt 4Regts merged - Buffs Sussex Middx - Post 1966
The Queen's Regt 1980
The Queen's Regt (Change over from AA) Post 1990
The Radnor Home Guard 1953 - 1957
North Staffordshire Regt 1898 - 1958
North Staffordshire Regt 1916 - 1919
North Staffordshire Regt 1952 - 1958
South Staffordshire Regt 1916 - 1919
South Staffordshire Regt 1901 - 1953
South Staffordshire Regt Post 1953
Staffordshire Regt Post 1970
Staffordshire Regt (Prince of Wales) Glider Badge Post 1959
Suffolk Regt (Officer's) 1901 - 1953
Suffolk Regt 1904 - 1916
Suffolk Regt 1916 - 1953
Suffolk Regt 1916 - 1919
Suffolk Regt 1953 - 1958
Suffolk & Cambridgeshire TARegt Post 1970
East Surrey Regt (Pagri Badge) 1891 - 1893
East Surrey Regt 1915 - 1919
East Surrey Regt 1953 - 1958
Royal Militia Surrey Regt 2nd Btn 1869 - 1878
Royal Sussex Regt 1916 - 1919
Royal Sussex Regt Pre 1958
Royal Warwickshire Regt 1st Btn (Birmingham Pals) 1914/1918
Royal Warwickshire Regt 2nd Btn (Birmingham Pals) 1914/1918
Royal Warwickshire Regt 3rd Btn (Birmingham Pals) 1914/1918
Warwickshire Regt 1st Btn Vols 1914/1918
Royal Warwickshire Regt 1898/1958
Royal Warwickshire Regt 1953/1958
The Welch Regt 1920/1953
The Welch Regt (Change over from 1990)
The Welsh Regt 1898/1920
The Welsh Regt 16th Btn (Cardiff Pals) 1914/1918
Duke of Wellingtons Regt 2nd Btn 1916/1919
West Riding Regt (Duke of Wellingtons) 1897/1958
West Riding Regt (Duke of Wellingtons) 1916/1919
West Riding Regt (Duke of Wellingtons) Post 1971
Wiltshire Regt 1901/1916
Wiltshire Regt 1947/1958
Wiltshire Regt 4th Btn 1916/1947
Worcestershire Regt 1898/1925
Worcestershire Regt 1925/1953
Worcestershire Regt 1953/1958
Worcestershire & Sherwood Foresters Regt Post 1971
Yorkshire Regt (Green Howards) Princess of Wales Own 1903/1922
Yorkshire Regt (Green Howards) Princess of Wales Own 1922/1950
Yorkshire Regt (Green Howards)
Yorkshire Regt (Green Howards) Post 1971
East Yorkshire (With WM Rose) 1898/1958
East Yorkshire Regt (With WM Rose) 1898/1958
West Yorkshire 1898/1958
West Yorkshire Regt 15 & 17 Btn Vols (Leeds Pals) 1914/1918
York & Land Lancaster Regt 1881/1969
York & Lancaster Regt 1916/1919