1815.04.24 The Sirmoor Battalion
1823.05.06 8th (or Sirmoor) Local Battalion
1823.12 8th (or Sirmoor) (Gorka) Local Battalion
1824.03 8th (or Sirmoor) Local Battalion
1826.12.01 6th (or Sirmoor) Local Battalion
1845 6th (Sirmoor) Rifle Battalion
1850.03.01 The Sirmoor Rifle Battalion
1852 The Sirmoor Battalion
1858 The Sirmoor Rifle Regiment
1861.05.03 17th Bengal Native Infantry
1861 The Sirmoor Rifle Regiment
1861.10.29 2nd Goorkha Regiment
1864 2nd Goorkha (The Sirmoor Rifle) Regiment
1876.03 2nd (Prince of Wales' Own) Goorkha Regiment (The Sirmoor
1876 2nd (Prince of Wales's Own) Goorkha Regiment (The Sirmoor
1891.03 2nd (Prince of Wales's Own) Gurkha (Rifle) Regiment
(The Sirmoor Rifles)
(the regiment unofficially perpetuated the old spelling of
Goorkha until 1994)
1901 2nd (Prince of Wales's Own) Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor
1903 2nd Prince of Wales's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor
1906.01.01 2nd King Edward's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor
1936.06.27 2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor
1948.01.01 2nd King Edward VII’s Own Gurkha Rifles (The
Sirmoor Rifles), The Gurkha Regiment
allocated to United Kingdom at independence of India, less
4th Bn transferred to 8th Gurkha Rifles in Indian Army
1948.09.23 2nd King Edward VII’s Own Gurkha Rifles (The
Sirmoor Rifles)
1994.07.01 amalgamated with , 6th Queen Elizabeth’s
Own Gurkha Rifles, 7th Duke of Edinburgh’s Own Gurkha
Rifles, and 10th Princess Mary’s Own Gurkha Rifles,
to form The Royal Gurkha Rifles
King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles
(The Sirmoor Rifles)
Queen Elizabeth's Own
Gurkha Rifles
Duke of Edinburgh's Own
Gurkha Rifles
Princess Mary's Own
Gurkha Rifles
Battle Honours
[combined battle honours of 2nd King Edward VII’s Own
Gurkha Rifles, 6th Queen Elizabeth’s Own Gurkha Rifles,
7th Duke of Edinburgh’s Own Gurkha Rifles, and 10th
Queen Mary’s Own Gurkha Rifles]
The Great War: Suez Canal, Egypt 1915, Megiddo, Sharon,
Palestine 1918, Shaiba, Kut al Amara 1915 '17, Ctesiphon,
Defence of Kut al Amara, Baghdad, Sharqat, Mesopotamia 1915-18
Afghanistan 1919
The Second World War: Tobruk 1942, North Africa 1942, Cassino
I, Campriano, Poggio del Grillo, Tavoleto, Montebello-Scorticata
Ridge, Italy 1944, Sittang 1942 '45, Pegu 1942, Kyaukse 1942,
Shwegyin, Imphal, Bishenpur, Meiktila, Capture of Meiktila,
Defence of Meiktila, Rangoon Road, Pyawbwe, Burma 1942-45
Falkland Islands 1982
Museum, Winchester (Army Museums Ogilby Trust)
1st Battalion
1994.07.01 1st Battalion, The Royal Gurkha
formed in Hong Kong by amalgamation of 1st Bn, 2nd King Edward
VII Own Gurkha Rifles, and 1st Bn, 6th Queen Elizabeth's Own
Gurkha Rifles
1994 Hong Kong
1996.10 England: Church Crookham 5 AB Bde
1997.08.22 (Bosnia) (one coy)
1997.12.25 England: Church Crookham 5 AB Bde
1999.06.08 Macedonia 5 AB Bde
1999.06 (Kosovo)
1999.08.22 Church Crookham
2000.08 Brunei
2000 East Timor
2001 Brunei
2002? England: Shorncliffe
2003.07 Shorncliffe 2 Bde
2003 Bosnia
2003 England: Shorncliffe 2 Bde
2nd Battalion
1902 8th Gurkha Rifles
1903 2nd Battalion, 10th Gurkha Rifles
1907 1st Battalion, 7th Gurkha Rifles
1919 Central Kurdistan
1919.12 Iraq 54 Bde, 18 Div
1948 Malaya
1948.05 101st Field Regiment, RA (7th Gurkha Rifles)
converted to artillery
1948 Malaya Central Sub-Dist
1949.06 1st Battalion, 7th Gurkha Rifles
converted back to infantry
<1949.12> Malaya Southern Sub-Dist
<1950.12> Malaya 48 Gurkha Bde
<1953.04> Malaya 53 Gurkha Bde
1959.04 Hong Kong 48 Gurkha Bde
<1962.07> Malaya North Malaya Sub-Dist
1963.02 Borneo 99 Gurkha Bde
1965.03 Malaya
1971.09 England: Church Crookham
1970.08.01 amalgamated with 2nd Battalion without change of
1971.12 London first Gurkhas to perform Public Duties
1972.01? Church Crookham
1973.03 Hong Kong
1977.03 Brunei
1981.05 England: Church Crookham 5 Inf Bde
1982.04 Falklands Islands 5 Inf Bde
1982 England: Church Crookham
1983.05 Hong Kong Gurkha FF
1987 Brunei
1989 Hong Kong 48 Gurkha Bde
1991 England: Church Crookham 5 AB Bde
1992 Hong Kong
1994.07.01 2nd Battalion, The Royal Gurkha Rifles
1994.08? Brunei
1996.11.26 amalgamated in Brunei with 3rd Battalion without
change of title
1999.09 East Timor (2 coys/)
1999.12 Brunei
2000.08 England: Shorncliffe
2000.12 Sierra Leone (1 coy gp)
2001.04 England: Shorncliffe
2001 Afghanistan (C Coy) attached to 2 Para
2001 England: Shorncliffe
2003.02 Sierra Leone (1 coy gp)
2003.08? England: Shorncliffe
2003? Brunei
3rd Battalion
1766 14th Battalion Coast Sepoys
1767 The Amboor Battalion
1769 11 Carnatic Battalion
1770 10th Carnatic Battalion
1784 10th Madras Battalion
1796 1st Battalion, 10th Regiment of Madras Native Infantry
1824 10th Regiment of Madras Native Infantry
1885 10th Regiment of Madras Infantry
1885 Burma
1890 1st Regiment of Burma Infantry
absorbed Kubo Military Police Battalion
1890 10th (Burma) Regiment of Madras Infantry
1901 10th Gurkha Rifles
1903 1st Battalion, 10th Gurkha Rifles
1914 Burma
1919 Southern Kurdistan
1919.12 Iraq 51 Bde, 17 Div
1948.01 Malaya Johore Sub-Dist
<1949.12> Malaya 48 Gurkha Bde
<1953.04> Malaya Malaya Command
<1957.04> Hong Kong 48 Gurkha Bde
<1960.04> Malaya 63 Gurkha Bde
1962.01 Malaya 99 Gurkha Bde
1964.02 Borneo 5 Federal Bde
1965.05 Malaysia
1966.01 Borneo
1966.02 Malaysia
1968.09 amalgamated with 2nd Battalion without change of title
1969 Hong Kong
1973.03 England: Church Crookham
1974 Cyprus
1974 England: Church Crookham
1975 Hong Kong 48 Gurkha Bde/Gurkha FF
1979 Brunei
1981 Hong Kong Gurkha FF
1983 England: Church Crookham 5 AB Bde
1985 Hong Kong Gurkha FF/48 Gurkha Bde
1989 Brunei
1991 Hong Kong 48 Gurkha Bde
1993 England: Church Crookham 5 AB Bde
1994.07.01 3rd Battalion, The Royal Gurkha Rifles
1996.01 East Timor (one coy?)